"How I Met Your Mother" is a comedy series that follows Ted and his friends in New York.
Ted narrates how he met the mother of his children, but the story is full of jokes, love, and many funny twists. And of course, we can't forget Barney's famous phrases and his love messes.
It's a hilarious and captivating series that has won over many fans over the years!
You, as a good living and romantic person, can today find out which character in the series has the most to do with you! Just take this quick quiz!
You have an important appointment and you need to get there as soon as possible. Which transport do you use?
I will run!
What is your dream job?
Something I can earn a lot of money and get recognition.
A stable job with the possibility to grow within the company.
Something creative or artistic.
Something where I go on adventures or travel a lot.
How would you describe your love life?
I love to flirt and have fun and I avoid serious commitments.
I'm still figuring out what I'm looking for.
I'm focused on my career and friends, love can wait.
Very romantic, I'm always looking for true love.
What's your lifestyle?
I seek new experiences and I am always adventuring.
Focus on work and building/planning my future.
I'm looking for the right person, the love of my life.
I always look for stability and security.
What is your reaction to a complicated situation?
I care about the people around me.
I face it with humor and make jokes to soften it.
I'm looking for a practical and rational solution.
I seek help and advice from friends.
Which of these is your favorite food?
Hamburger from "Gazzola's".
Pineapple pizza
What's your favorite phrase?
“Look, you can’t design your life like a building. You just have to live it…and it’ll design itself.”
“Because love is the best thing we do.”
“It’s not about proof; it’s about faith. Faith is what gives life shape and meaning.”
“It’s going to be legen — wait for it — and I hope you’re not lactose intolerant, because the second half of the word is — dary! Legendary!”
What would be the reason for your intervention?
Don't know when to stop partying
Is too attached to the boyfriend/girlfriend
You spend more money than you have - you're always in debt!
Only choose people who suck!
How would you describe your appetite?
I like to eat well, but I always hold back.
I always eat healthy meals.
I'm always hungry!
I prefer quick snacks.
What do you consider most important in a friendship?
Mutual trust and respect
Having fun together and having lots of stories to tell
Loyalty and emotional support
Share common interests and goals
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