Breaking Bad is an iconic television series that delves into the depths of human transformation. The plot revolves around Walter White, a chemistry teacher who, after being diagnosed with terminal cancer, decides to enter the world of drug trafficking to secure his family's financial future. He teams up with Jesse Pinkman, a troubled former student, and together they begin manufacturing methamphetamine.
The series unfolds as a dark and morally complex journey, exploring themes of power, ethics, redemption, and decay. Get ready to test your knowledge about this captivating series and its unforgettable characters!
Challenge your friends and find out who knows more about the show!
What is the name of the main character in Breaking Bad?
Jesse Pinkman
Walter White
Saul Goodman
Hank Schrader
What is Jesse Pinkman's nickname for his methamphetamine?
Blue Sky
Purple Meth
White Explosion
White Crystal
Who is Walter White's biggest enemy in the series?
Jesse Pinkman
Gustavo Fring
Hank Schrader
Mike Ehrmantraut
What is the name of the place where Jesse and Jane temporarily live?
Los Pollos Hermanos Condominium
Pink House
Pink Apartment
Blue House
What is the name of Marco Salamanca's brother?
Tuco has no siblings
Who is the drug lord that Gus Fring represents?
Sinaloa Cartel
Medellín Cartel
Juárez Cartel
Tijuana Cartel
What is the name of the last episode of the series Breaking Bad?
Heisenberg's End
Breaking Point
What does the fly tattoo on Walter White's floor represent in the episode 'Fly'?
Symbol of his obsession
Meaning is never revealed
Remorse for his actions
Man versus nature
What is the car used to produce methamphetamine at the beginning of the series?
Toyota Camry
Chevrolet El Camino
Ford Mustang
Fleetwood Bounder
What is the name of Walter White's sister-in-law?
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