Combining science fiction, comedy, and a lot of satire, Rick and Morty has become one of the most beloved animated series. The entire plot revolves around Morty and his brilliant yet alcoholic grandfather, Rick. Together, they explore various universes and alternate dimensions, dealing with cosmic threats and the most absurd situations.
Test your knowledge of the series in this challenging quiz with questions that only the most attentive fans of the show would be able to answer!
What is the name of the device that allows Rick to jump between different realities and dimensions?
Reality Bender
Multiverse Mover
Portal Gun
Dimension Hopper
What is the organization that combats interdimensional threats and pursues Rick in several episodes?
Council of Ricks
Birdperson's Alliance
The Citadel
Galactic Federation
Who is Rick's arch-nemesis, an interdimensional being that appears in the form of a giant mucus?
Mr. Meeseeks
Scary Terry
The Plutonians
What is Rick's original dimension, typically referred to as his "C-137" dimension?
Cronenberg Dimension
Ricksters Dimension
Gazorpazorp Dimension
Main Dimension
What is Morty's nickname in an alternate reality where he is an evil genius?
Evil Morty
Genius Morty
Morty C-137
Who is the creator of "Rick and Morty"?
Dan Harmon
Seth MacFarlane
Alexander Hirsch
Trey Parker
What is the name of the place where Rick often drinks and socializes with other versions of himself from different dimensions?
Rick's Bar
The Multiverse Pub
The Council of Ricks
Interdimensional Cantina
What is Rick's favorite sauce?
Mulan Barbecue
Mulan Szechuan Sauce
What is the name of the episode in which Rick invents a microverse to power his battery?
"Get Schwifty"
"The Ricks Must Be Crazy"
"Morty's Mind Blowers"
"Pickle Rick"
What is the name of the TV show hosted by Ants-in-My-Eyes Johnson?
"Ants Everywhere"
"I Can't See a Thing"
"Buy All the Ants"
"Ants in My Eyes Johnson's Electronics"
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