

8 Reasons to Watch Dandadan (and 2 Reasons Not to!)

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Are you ready to watch the anime of the year? No? Then get ready, because Dandadan is already in its third episode! Today, we give you eight reasons to watch or read Dandadan - and two more to avoid it!

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translated by Tabata Marques

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revised by Tabata Marques

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Dandadan is one of the most unique and surprising manga today, created by Yukinobu Tatsu. Combining action, comedy, romance, and the unexpected, it has gained many fans and even awards in just two years of existence.

But is Dandadan for you? The right answer is yes! But if you're still not convinced, here are 8 reasons to dive into this work. And of course, 2 reasons for those who didn't like it (we support you too, don’t worry!).

Reasons to Watch Dandadan

The reasons to watch or read this work are immense. I'll list the most important ones without giving away spoilers. By the way, did you know that the creator of Dandadan was an assistant to Tatsuki Fujimoto, the creator of Chainsaw Man? Yep!


1. Brilliant Combination of Fantasy and Science Fiction

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What makes Dandadan so special is its ability to combine two worlds that rarely meet: ghosts and aliens. Yes, that’s right.

The result is a setting so unpredictable that you never know what to expect in each chapter. Whether it's an alien invasion or an epic battle against spirits, the story always surprises. This unique mix appeals to both sci-fi and supernatural fans.

2. Unique and Relatable Protagonists

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The protagonists Momo Ayase and Okarun have distinct personalities that make their dynamic fun and interesting. Momo is brave and pragmatic, while Okarun, though shy, is determined and has a big heart. The chemistry between the two is hilarious, and you'll find yourself rooting for this duo as they face supernatural challenges and, of course, their own insecurities. Additionally, their romantic development is a strong point of the work.

3. Surreal and Fun Humor

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If you enjoy manga that doesn't take itself too seriously, Dandadan is for you. The absurd humor is constant and comes in completely unexpected ways, very reminiscent of Chainsaw Man's style. From weird aliens to bizarre ghosts, the comedy blends the comic with the strange, keeping the tone always lighthearted and fun.

4. Incredible and Detailed Art

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Yukinobu Tatsu's artwork is one of the strongest aspects of Dandadan. The action scenes are dynamic and engaging, while the quieter moments are full of detail. The design of the characters and monsters is unique and unforgettable. What's amazing is how he manages to create this vibrant atmosphere without sacrificing quality at any point. The anime has only a few episodes so far, but the visual quality is already on par.

5. Character Development

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Both Momo and Okarun evolve throughout the story, learning from their mistakes and traumas, which makes them deep and realistic characters. They face challenges that require emotional growth, and the manga portrays this organically and naturally. The characters learn from their failures and become stronger, creating an even greater connection with the reader.

6. Gripping Mysteries

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The story is full of mysteries that keep you coming back for each chapter, eager for answers. Why are the aliens so interested in bananas? Who are these spirits? The manga creates an aura of suspense that keeps the reader hooked until the end. And the best part: the mysteries are resolved without dragging out the plot.


7. Frenetic Action

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If you enjoy fast-paced and exciting action scenes, Dandadan delivers this masterfully. The fights are full of adrenaline and creativity, making the most of the characters' powers and their opponents. Each battle brings something new, keeping the level of excitement always high.

8. Originality

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It’s rare to find a work as original as Dandadan. The way it blends elements of fantasy, sci-fi, and comedy is unique, and the result is a manga that stands out among the rest. Yes, it has its comparisons to Chainsaw Man, but Dandadan has its own identity, and the reading experience will hook you for that very reason.

Two Reasons Not to Read Dandadan

Not everything is perfect, right? Even though the manga is great, there are a few points that might turn away some readers.

The Humor Isn’t for Everyone

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The surreal humor of Dandadan can be a plus for many, but it’s not for everyone. If you prefer stories with a more serious tone and fewer absurdities, you might end up feeling lost amid the exaggerated comedy. Some jokes might seem forced or too bizarre, which can distract from the main narrative.

Inconsistent Pacing

Another point that might bother readers is the story's pacing, which can sometimes feel a bit chaotic. One moment, you're immersed in a frantic action scene, and the next, the manga shifts abruptly to comedy without warning.

Moreover, the romance, which starts off strong, ends up stagnating at a certain point, which can be frustrating for those who expected more progress in that area.


In the end, Dandadan offers a unique experience for anyone looking for something unconventional. If you enjoy action, humor, and captivating characters, it’s a great choice. But if you prefer something more linear and serious, you might want to think twice.

Either way, it’s a work worth knowing — even if just to appreciate its originality and how it defies expectations.

And you, who have already read it, what did you think? Do you agree or disagree with the points raised here? Leave your opinion in the comments!