

Star Wars: When is the next Trilogy set in the timeline?

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As part of the new Star Wars Celebrations, alongside more titles announcements such as Andor, The Mandalorian and Ahsoka Tahno, Lucasfilm revealed the new trilogy: Daisy Riddler is back as Rey, in a new future for the Star Wars universe.

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revu par Tabata Marques

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At the Star Wars Celebration 2023, Disney and Lucasfilm have finally revealed what they plan to do for the next trilogy of films in the Star Wars franchise. Fans had been worried about the future of the movies, because even though the releases on Disney+, such as The Mandalorian, Andor, Obi-Wan and Ahsoka Tahno have been gathered overall positive reviews by fans, the big screen releases have not been so lucky, with the last trilogy ending in disappointment with The Rise of Skywalker.

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Not only they confirmed there are big plans for the big screen with a new Trilogy, Rey Skywalker was announced to come back, with actor Daisy Riddley reprising the role. Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy will direct, and Steven Knight was called into the project to breathe some life into the writing. Star Wars: New Jedi Order is scheduled for release in 2025.

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After the events of The Rise of Skywalker, the story was seemingly open for major changes, as Rey was all alone in the galaxy once again, following the familiar lone-wolf path Jedis have often followed in the past; Luke Skywalker was in a similar position at the end of the original trilogy, as one of the last Jedis, if not the last, alive.

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The story then progressed following Luke as he tried to rebuild a Jedi order in the canon, though his efforts were troubled by young Kylo Ren turning to The Dark Side as a padawan, and everything that happened afterward with the most recent trilogy. Rey is in the same spot Luke once was, and will try to reform the Jedi Order as well.

When is the new story set?

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The new trilogy will be set 15 years after the last movie, The Rise of Skywalker, with only Daisy Riddley confirmed to reprise her role as Rey, who is apparently a vital part of the story in the new movies. This is a very short time-jump compared to what we've seen previously in the Star Wars universe; It took several decades for Luke, Leia and Han to come back on the screen both in real time and in canon, and just under two decades for Obi-Wan and Anakin to be seen once more in the small screen at Disney +.

Rey is making her comeback only six years in real time after the last movie, and fifteen in canon. Among one of the factors that might be responsible for such a short return, there is the popularity of her character, despite what certain die-hard fans might criticize, and the apparent need for her to be in the new movie as she would be the one to continue the Jedi legacy in this part of the timeline canon.

Nothing else was confirmed, however, and details are still uncertain regarding which movie will feature her character and how much of screen time she will actually have. Who knows, maybe new characters will take on the mantle of the new Jedi, as Rey sits back in a mentor role, a bit more supportive, as Yoda's was in the original trilogy.